Thursday, 31 May 2012

BLP / BRB workshop

Last night I had the pleasure of running a workshop for Birmingham Loves Photographers at the request of Craig Bush who is doing great things in the city for the photography community. We worked in a shop unit in the Mailbox and had the company of Matt and Callie, dancers from Birmingham Royal Ballet who danced for the workshop / tutorial.  I talked about my dance exhibition ; Still Dancing and generally about shooting "movement" and performance. Thanks to the 30 or so people who attended the event and put up with the paint fumes ( the unit was being decorated) The pictures here are a small sample of the 163 I took. I managed in the short time to do 2 lighting set ups and I am happy with the results. I could have lit better with more time and the background / floor etc lets some of the images down a little, but it was about the experience and the event, not so much the finished pictures. It was a nice opportunity for me to talk about my experience of shooting dance and to let people see first hand a "behind the scenes" aspect of a photography shoot of this nature. My thanks to Nigel Cotterill who took shots on the night and these can be seen here

Again, my thanks to all who attended and Craig, Jelena, Matt, Callie.

Friday, 25 May 2012

Workshop 30th May Movement

I have been asked by Birmingham Loves Photographers to do a workshop on "Movement".
This will be at the Mailbox, ground floor (level 3) next Weds. I will be talking about some of my dance
(movement) photography and doing a practical demo with a dancer. It's free, all welcome.Follow the link
for details.
Birmingham Loves Photographers is proud to announce that we are hosting a free tutorial with Birmingham’s own Richard Battye where he will be giving a tutorial on the theme ‘Photographing Movement’. Richard will discuss the various methods he has used in his work shooting dancers,

Monday, 7 May 2012

The Olympics

So we are getting closer and I am getting involved on a small level. I am starting a 6 week project as of tomorrow called KALABORATE working with Rogueplay Theatre in a school. I will be working alongside Lorna a performance poet and we are getting the kids to write / act / photograph around the themes of the Olympics and the Jamaica 50 yrs celebrations..should be fun and I am looking forward to it.
Here's a picture I took of Jordanne Whiley who is ranked UK Number one in female wheelchair tennis. She's in the Olympics and is favourite for a medal this year. Wishing her all the best!